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April 24th, 2014 - 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
To Be Determined - Murfreesboro, TN 33333
Introduction To Opto 22 Programmable Controllers
Introduction to the SNAP PAC System

The SNAP PAC System training class provides an overview of Opto 22 SNAP PAC programmable automation controllers and brains, SNAP I/O modules, and PAC Project Basic software, as well as the many methods of communicating with the system.

Students learn to configure I/O, program control strategies, and develop HMI (Human-Machine Interface) screens. Using PAC Control, students develop their own control and data acquisition programs with easy-to-use flowcharts and OptoScript, a powerful scripting language for executing math, string handling, control loops, and other complex functions. Using PAC Display, students design their own customized operator interfaces for communicating with the SNAP PAC System and also perform real-time and historical trending and alarming.

Course Content:
SNAP PAC System hardware overview
Networking overview
IP addressing
PAC Manager—assigning IP addresses, downloading firmware, configuring optional functions
PAC Control—control engine configuration and I/O configuration, flowcharting, digital and analog control, tables, string handling, serial communication, OptoScripting, PID loops
PAC Display—building an operator interface, animation, trending, alarming
For More Information, Please Contact:
Cale Harbour
Account Manager
(770) 956-7202